"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset." Saint Francis De Sales

Friday, December 30, 2011

My Slow Takes (vol. 31)

1. The annual December OBX trip was made possible because of the loving friends that shared. Photo by Dee.

2. January 1, 2012 is the start of a new year. What better way to reflect on "we are Christ for those around us." Steve Givens writes about seeking those that we have lost among us. Do not search in the cemeteries, merely look around you and see them with you. 

3. On December 31, 2011 I was inducted into the IORB, "International Order of the Red Bandannas." It is an honor bestowed only on a select few. The ceremony took place at the Outer Banks, N.C., which is the founding location of the IORB. 

I received the official "red bandanna" as well as the IORB shirt. I tied the bandanna to my head and replaced my current shirt with the infamous blue tee with the IORB insignia. 

The unofficial IORB photographer then took several pictures for the IORB archives. The photos below are designated as non-proprietary, non-secret, non-detrimental, non-authorizeable documents that would be a non-security risk to the organization. It follows the guidelines, by-laws and preamble as listed in rule number one. That's me in the middle.

4. College football currently has over 30 "Bowl Games." If you are a fan of college football then this is the sport season for you. I watch some of the games, but not all of them. I was curious about the "Bowl Games" so I went to "Wikipedia" for a quick history. From 1901 through 1959 the number of games reached a total of nine. That was before cable television when we only had a couple of local television stations. Then from 1968 through 2010, 25 new "Bowls" were added. And, according to the article, there are more coming. 

My favorite "Bowl" games were: Rose Bowl (started 1901); Orange Bowl (started 1934); Sugar Bowl (started 1934); Sun Bowl (started 1934) and the Cotton Bowl (1936). Please note that I was not around for the starting dates.

5. Sunday, January 8th, is the celebration of the Epiphany. It is the day we celebrate the Baptism of Christ. It has also become known as the "visitation of the Magi."

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