"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset." Saint Francis De Sales

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Woodcutters Along the Mohawk

The weather was fair and wood needed to be gathered. Arthur and Issac hitched up the horse to the wagon and headed out early the next morning. 

The camp was setup near the clearing they had been working on for the last few days. The Oak and Sycamore trees were plentiful here and at the rate they were working they would be finished within the next week.

The sun had been up for about an hour and the two men were busy chopping when Arthur thought he heard something. He signaled to Issac to stop and pointed in the direction of the sound. Issac listened but wasn't sure and signaled back shrugging his shoulders. The two of them stood silent for the next few minutes. Then Arthur signaled again and headed for the wagon letting Issac that it was time to leave.

These are two figures from Warlord Games, Black Powder. WG7-FIW-48. They are nice figures and are a welcomed addition to the Briartun collection.

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