"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset." Saint Francis De Sales

Friday, April 26, 2019

Spring, Hank & Ojibwe



“One of four siblings,
the youngest of course.
Or am I the oldest?
Not really sure.

I bring new life
and herald the warmth,
but hay fever, too,
is in my source.

Autumn has color
but tinged with decay.
Some call her Fall.
I think she's OK.

Not like my bother,
cold in his breath.
Winter his name,
in darkness brings death.

Summer's the one
that gets all the glory,
but brush fires and sunburn
are in her story.

So, season of choice,
who will win?
The one with potential,
of course; it's Spring.”

Published: March 2016


Dee & Me Easter Sunday


On April 23, 1954, Hank Aaron hits his first home run. This was the first of 755 home runs hit in a 22 year career of baseball.


Peanuts At Fenway


“It took me seventeen years to get three thousand hits in baseball. It took one afternoon on the golf course.”
Hank Aaron


The Ojibwe language use the word, “bagamad”, to say “a storm is arriving.
This is a good choice for last Friday and today. 

However, I would rather use, “aabawaate,” which  would translate, “it’s mild and sunny weather.”


Andy Kim - “Baby I Love You.” - 1969


Go over to "This Ain't the Lyceum," where Kelly is hosting more takes.

1 comment:

  1. Are you Ojibwe in background? (Asking only because the area around where I lived for a few years had a lot of things named "Chippewa".)
