"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset." Saint Francis De Sales

Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas, Family & Arlo


We celebrated Christmas with the family on Christmas Eve. Stephen, Christina, Isabelle, Eryn, Hailey, Todd, Lauren and Ekaterina joined Dee, her Mom Lucy, and I at our home. There was plenty of fun, Dee always has a unique game for everyone to play. This year we played the Right-Left game. I did the reading while Dee recorded the passing of the gifts. Afterward Dee had everyone pick a number and when that number was called you could switch your gift with another person or keep what you ended up with. The gift could only be “stolen” once. 

Dinner was Todd and Lauren's “home made” ravioli which was excellent. Unfortunately there were no left-overs.

Eryn, Hailey and Ekaterina put on a small play which is always fun to watch.


Dee and I were Hospitality ministers at our Church of the Epiphany on Christmas Day. We were blessed to have parish families with their out-of-town families join us. There were also new people attending, all of us remembering that the meaning of Christmas is about the birth of our Lord, Jesus.


“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, "It will be happier.””
Alfred Lord Tennyson


January 1994 Comic Strip


From Bohemian Gentlemen Gamers


I'm reading "The Lord Of The Rings, Part Two, The Two Towers."
Finished "Part One, "The Fellowship of the Ring."

As I mentioned before, this is a re-read, which I'm enjoying all over again. They are my original Ballantine paper bound books from 1979. The pages are a wee bit dry and some have lost their "binding glue." So, as I read, I have to hold some of those pages gently.


Arlo Guthrie - “I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You.”


Go over to "This Ain't the Lyceum," where Kelly is hosting more takes.

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