"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset." Saint Francis De Sales

Monday, March 12, 2012

My Slow Takes (vol. 40)

1. I didn’t know what phylacteries were so had to check out a definition.
For those of you like me, here it is. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/phylacteries It made the reading easier to understand.
2. Jennifer Fulwiler’s new book, with contributing writer’s, has beenreleased. On Monday she was notified the book sold out on Amazon. My copy is on “back order.” Read about it here, “Style, Sex and Substance.”
I realize that this is not one of those “guy” books, but I do know Jennifer is a writer. One who has enlighten my life and taught me things about my own writing. 
3. Sunday at 12AM Daylight Saving Time began. It will be “old time” versus “new time” for about a week. 
4. Steve Givens writes: “My other favorite story about seeking God in the
silence of prayer is attributed to St. John Vianney, a 19th century French parish priest from the hamlet of Ars, not far from Lyon. He tells the story of a man who comes to church every day and sits alone in silence. Vianney finally asks him, “What is it you do here every day?” The man answers: “I look at God, God looks at me, and we enjoy one another’s company.””
His part two article, “Solitude: Quieting the world and ourselves” makes me think about how I need to strive for time with God. I have the tendency to let my mind wander when I pray. Thinking about the next person on my list, who should I add to my list, what time do I have to be wherever, did I charge my cell phone? None of these things have me concentrating or listening to God. I need more solitude and Steve is going to give me some tips in part three.
5. The Apple iPad 3 is being released this month. It is a cool tech tool and I keep trying to justify the purchase. My thought is that the price of the iPad 2 will drop and make it more affordable. I don’t need one, my MacBook Pro does an excellent job. However, every time my son Todd is at the house he has his iPad 2. I keep thinking how neat it would be to have one.
The popularity of the Apple iPad and other tablets is growing. I never realized how much and was surprised about the tablet market when I read Roger Yu’s article in Thursdays USA Today. It states that about 55% of tablet users said they are going to buy or are considering buying an additional tablet. The price is so much lower than a laptop and it can handle the things most people want to do. Surfing the Internet, blogging, emailing using Facebook, Twitter or watching movies. It sits comfortably on your lap. I am in the wrong business.
6. I am late with this week’s posting. went to Lancaster, PA for my historical gaming. I’ll write more about that in another posting.

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