"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset." Saint Francis De Sales

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Dee and I have selected a niche at our church columbarium. Construction of the columbarium has started and the first phase will be completed by late fall.

We have discussed this with our sons and have made them aware of our burial wishes. My Mom and Dad were cremated and are buried in New York  near the home of my sister Kim.

St. Mary's Columbarium, Richmond, Virginia
The other day I was thinking about the process of cremation and a childhood memory came forth somewhat unexpectedly. It was a memory of watching an old black and white movie, “Beau Geste.” It starred Gary Cooper, Ray Milland and Robert Preston. What came to mind was a scene where the three brothers were playing (battling) with model sailing ships. At the end they prepare a Viking funeral for one of ships. As the ship is “pushed out to sea,” one of the brothers, Beau (Gary Cooper) asks his brother Digby (Robert Preston) if he would provide him with such a funeral. At the time I thought it was an adventurous way to be buried. I was young and loved the old action movies.

I will be cremated but will not follow the Viking burial, it will be a celebration of death. A more joyous adventure, my journey home. 

Ray Milland, Gary Cooper, Robert Preston, Beau Geste 1939
Read other posts at Conversion Diary.

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