"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset." Saint Francis De Sales

Friday, June 28, 2013

My Slow Takes (Vol. 102)

1. Dee and I traveled to Lake View, New York for my nephew’s high school graduation. Kim and her husband Frank hosted a great celebration and we were able to visit with family that we haven’t seen in many years. Frank's brother Orlando and his family came in from Oregon and cousin Merina and her husband Charley drove in from Texas. We had plenty of sunshine and warm weather, great food and a lot of fun.
Me and "Da Crew"
2. While in New York Dee and I attended Mass at Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church in Hamburg. It is a beautiful church and was renovated in 2011 for it’s one-hundredth anniversary. (Please take a moment and watch the video.) The Homily was given by Deacon John Wlos, his first, and was well done. 

3. Our Goddaughter’s Chesapeake Retriever is being boarded at her folks house. Isabelle is her name and she is well behaved. I took this picture in the kitchen. Kathy and Rich provided bed and breakfast while we were in New York.

4. Our dear friend Kathy gave this gift to Dee. I like it and it fits well on our screened-in porch.
5. Morning coffee tastes better when sitting on the back porch. Saying the Rosary in this surrounding is peaceful and brings me closer to the blessed Mother Mary. The birds were calling to each other like a choir in church. There was a slight breeze making the trees wave their branches as though the wings of angels. It was a beautiful experience.

6. Aileen O’Donoghue wrote the following in Thursday’s “Living Faith.” 

“It’s fine to receive some praise and reward for our work, but if the praise and reward become the goal of our work, I think that’s when we run the risk of becoming unknown to Jesus.”

There have been times when I’ve been caught up in seeking praise. I have learned that it is better to be silent. Jesus knows what I do and that is all I need.

7. There is an organization, the "Natural Resources Defense Council” (NRDC) that watches our environment. One area that it is involved in is the quality of water at the beach. I checked the rating for North Carolina and found that it is “ranked 3rd in Beachwater Quality (out of 30 states) 2% of samples exceeded national standards for designated beach areas in 2012.”
I love the Outer Banks, so this was pleasant news.

Read other "Takes" at Conversion Diary.

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