"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset." Saint Francis De Sales

Friday, December 7, 2012

My Slow Takes (Vol. 77)

1. My coworker and friend, Leighton called together his IT Team and I over to his cube one morning. He provided a testimonial to God answering his prayers about his health. It was emotional and beautiful. I don’t know how the others felt, but it moved me. I gave him a big hug and thanked him for sharing. I have worked with Leighton for over eight years. He has been suffering with this illness and now has a path to go forward, knowing what needs to be done. 

2. “Advent” is here and I am preparing and reflecting on His second coming. The readings that warn of not being ready have an affect on me. It’s good to listen and remember that we really don’t know when the time will come. Sometimes we get too complacent and it’s easy to forget the real reason of “Advent.” My daily reading helps me to say focused on God and His return, His birth and Mother Mary. 

3. Tuesday evening was build a gingerbread house at our church. Our youngest son Stephen and his family joined us for the festivity. At least half of the candy the children collected was eaten while they made their houses. It was a great evening and some pictures are posted on our church website.
Our Gingerbread Houses
4. Trisha Potter has a excellent book review on Joseph Pearce’s new book, “Bilbo’s Journey, Discovering the Hidden Meaning of The Hobbit.” I am a fan of J. R. R. Tolkien’s writings. His tales of Middle Earth are full of adventure and intrigue. He does an excellent job showing the struggle the characters face between choosing righteousness or being caught up in the wickedness of the ever present evil. Please read what Trisha has written about Joseph Pearce and his newbook. After you read the book you may be interested in obtaining his CD, “Joseph Pearce Unlocks The Lord of The Rings.”  

5. The housing market is continuing it’s slow improvement. The data analysis firm, CoreLogic, reported a 6.3 percent increase from October 2011 to October 2012. 

6. One of our parishioners, Barbara is suffering fro cancer. She struggles with it daily but continues her strong faith in God. Please add her to your prayers. Her latest email: 

“One never knows what the next day brings. I guess our mission is to stay open and aware of the messages sent our way. A friend of mine and I have shared a quote over the years....
"If you are looking for something monumental, you probably closed your eyes."
Sometimes the answer is right in front of us..........
In the midst of this Christmas rush, I hope you can all still find the time to just "Be"
Love to you all, Barbara”
7. The Thursday reading from “Life is Advent” is about our spiritual life and God’s presence within each of us. It suggest’s that if we are aware of His presence, we, “sense joy even as others nurse complaints, experience peace while the world conspires in war, and find hope even when headlines broadcast despair. We “discover a deep love even while the air around” us “seems pervaded by hatred.” 

Read other "Takes" at Conversion Diary.

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