"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset." Saint Francis De Sales

Friday, November 25, 2011

My Slow Takes (vol. 26)

1. The New Roman Missal started Sunday, November 27th which is the first Sunday of Advent.  The Mass we attended went well, Father Jim doing an excellent job. Individually we all made minor mistakes even though we had the words right in front of us.  "And also with you," instead of "And with your spirit," was what I did and also those around me. An habitual response that I've been saying for a long time. It forced me to concentrate on the new words. A good thing as perhaps we have become complacent. Now we can focus on the liturgy of the Mass and become closer with God. 

2. Our family Christmas gathering, the time when all of us can share together, takes place prior to Christmas Day. So, it's my job to get the tree, decorations, lights and train down from the attic. Dee and I will spend the next week or so putting everything together. 

We set up the "Manger Scene" next to the tree which consists of the original set her Dad Frank use to setup at this house. I have been repainting and repairing the figures over the years and they still look beautiful. The grandchildren love the figures and Dee allows them to handle each figure as she teaches them about the coming of Jesus.

The Advent Wreath is on the kitchen table and we completed the first lighting of the candles on Sunday. We are celebrating His coming.

3. I have been reading "The Our Father, Word by Word" for the last nine months. It finished up this week and on Wednesday the entire series was posted on Jennifer Fulwiler's blog. She created the project and invited other contributors to work on it with her. Please take the time to read what all of these talented, blessed by God authors wrote. 

Now when I say the "Our Father" I am concentrating on the words and their meanings. It is no longer just a "memorized prayer." Thank you Jennifer and all of those who contributed their thoughts.  

4. We have a Wii and I've been using the Wii Fit program. Tuesday evening I was doing the "free lance jogging" and managed to pull a muscle. But it's okay because I was jogging on a "virtual" running course. So, I have a "virtual" pulled muscle and completed some "virtual" stretches to help relieve it. Then I contacted my "virtual" doctor and he recommended a couple of "virtual" ibuprofen. All of this while still in my living room, controller in hand.

Wednesday morning I woke up to reality. None of the "virtual" stuff worked, so I'm hobbling around and will be off the Wii for a few days.

5. My friend Guthrie is excited about the Christmas holidays but sorrowful about the change at his work. The company he works for is not having a Christmas party. They are having an “end of the year gathering” instead.

Our society continues to take Christ out of things because they are afraid to offend those who do not believe in Him. Sometimes we have to be unpopular when it comes to our Christian faith. God never said it would be easy.
Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you [falsely] because of me.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5:11-12 

6. Just received this from one of my brothers in Christ, Dick.  

                      Say Merry Christmas with Carrie Rinderer and the American Life United choir.

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