"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset." Saint Francis De Sales

Friday, February 16, 2018

Coyote, Vera & Cursillo

Our son, Todd, is into the Konflikt ’47 miniatures. His daughter also enjoys the same miniatures and has a tendency to win more than loose. The photo below is one of Todd’s, Allied Coyote/Guardian Light Walkers. A different period from my French and Indian miniatures.

He also painted some Heavy Infantry for his daughter. I’m sure she’ll create some issues for the Coyote Light Walker.


The following poem, by Vera Mae Thomas, is from our friend Dennis. He gave one to each of our granddaughters.


The Central Virginia Men’s Cursillo weekend is this week, 2-15 thru 2-18. We are blessed to have 14 candidates. Please pray for them as well as the team members.


I subscribe to Dynamic Catholic's Best Lent Ever series. Thursday's reflection was about being yourself.

"Love's in the little things. Love's doing something every day to demonstrate that we love. That we love the people in our lives, our family and friends. That we love the strangers who cross our path on any given day. That we love. That we've taken on board God's way of life, which is a way of love.”

Listen to the entire reflection here.


Tom, a member of our Cursillo group, brought in the book, “The Real Story,” by Edward Sri and Curtis Martin. It provides a synopsis of the Bible by providing a closer look at the main individuals and the events they took part in. I found it to be very interesting and it is worth reading.

One thing it brought out, that I have overlooked, is that we are all descendants of Noah’s sons, Shem, Japheth and Ham. If I were to complete one of those DNA searches, would it be possible for me to discover my connection to one of them?
Just asking.


I posted about my Middle Earth dragon here. Just in case you missed him.


Martina McBride - “God’s Will”

Go over to "This Ain't the Lyceum," where Kelly is hosting more takes

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