"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset." Saint Francis De Sales

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Surprise at Bates Creek

Donald Bates found a new creek northwest of his old fishing spot. There was no sign of anyone having walked the creek so he was confident that the fish would be more plentiful at this location.

The morning was better than he expected and by noon he had a large catch of fish. Pleased with his success, he sat back and finished the last bit of biscuit and dried meat. Donald was imagining himself presenting the fish to Mattie Bevan and hoping he would receive a kiss for his efforts.

Caught off guard, he was surprised when the small band of Hurons stepped out of the woods. For a brief moment everyone just stared at each other. Then Donald jumped up and ran. The Hurons had to find a place to cross which gave Donald the lead. Unfortunately he left his gear and fish on the bank. His only thought was to stay ahead of them and get to Briartun as fast as possible.


I just completed this small unit of Militia, which will represent a squad in the skirmish rules I play. (Buckskins and Rangers by Robin Empey of Battlefield Game Designs.) 

These figures represent some of the Briartun characters, with more on the painting table. The Hurons, and lonely Coureurs de Bois, are figures that I painted awhile back. All are Old Glory figures.

Issac Gantt and some Briartun Militia

The Hurons come out of the woods. Behind them is Armond Langevin, a Coureurs des Bois from Quebec.

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