"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset." Saint Francis De Sales

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Paperless Journey

My continuing quest to go paperless was enhanced when I received a Father’s Day gift from our son Eric. It was the “Neat” portable scanner. It is an excellent tool. The scanner comes with a software program that helps organize each item that you scan. There are three types of format. Document, receipt and contact. I use the document for most items and the contact format works great for business cards.

The software has provisions to set up folders for various categories; business cards, finances, medical, home items or anything else you want to retain. If I need to find something quickly there is a search tool that directs me to whatever I’m are looking for.

I also have an Epson V30 flatbed scanner. This tool works great for books and photographs. It scans and then moves them to folders that I created on my computer. I can then then import the files to the Neat portable scanner software.

My paper has been dramatically reduced and more is disappearing each day. The key is to scan old items a little at a time. Eventually you’ll get everything done. New items can be scanned as they come in. You just need to determine if you can dispose of the original or retain it. Sometimes you buy something and then return it, so keep the receipt until you are sure. Some stores may allow a copy of the receipts that you can print  Legal documents should not be retained but be scanned as a backup.

My file cabinet drawers are also empty and my desk is clean. Well, cleaner than it was.
Neat Portable Scanner

Epson Flat Bed Scanner

Read other posts at Conversion Diary.

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