"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset." Saint Francis De Sales

Friday, February 15, 2013

My Slow Takes (Vol. 86)

1. News from The Vatican which I’m sure everyone has read. Thought I would add it here for those who had not. 

“Dear Brothers,
I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonizations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry. I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering. However, in today’s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the bark of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me. For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is.
Dear Brothers, I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects. And now, let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff. With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer.”
From the Vatican, 10 February 2013

2. Colleen O’Sullivan presented the following prayer as a great way to start Lent. 

God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, which is pretty much everyone, since I’m clearly not you, God.  At least not the last time I checked.  And while you’re at it, God, please give me the courage to change what I need to change about myself, which is frankly a lot, since, once again, I’m not you, which means I’m not perfect.
It’s better for me to focus on changing myself than to worry about changing other people, who, as you’ll no doubt remember me saying, I can’t change anyway.  Finally, give me the wisdom to just shut up whenever I think that I’m clearly smarter than everyone else in the room, that no one knows what they’re talking about except me, or that I alone have all the answers.  Basically, God, grant me the wisdom to remember that I’m not you.  Amen.”

3. Our annual Valentine dance at Church of the Epiphany, was last Saturday evening. Plenty of food, drink, dancing and enjoying friends.

4. Msgr. Shreve’s Homily on Wednesday evening spoke about fasting and how it is not about giving up “things.” Today’s reading reinforces his suggestions for Lent.

This, rather, is the fasting that I wish: releasing those bound unjustly, untying the thongs of the yoke; setting free the oppressed, breaking every yoke; sharing your bread with the hungry, sheltering the oppressed and the homeless; clothing the naked when you see them, and not turning your back on your own. (Isaiah 58:6-7)

5. Some time ago I wrote about a coworker who became close friend. A young man the age of our sons whom I have learned to love. Leighton and his wife Andrea are in my daily prayers and I’m asking for prayers as he heads to the Mayo Clinic in Florida next week. His medical condition requires more testing and observation.

6. A historical note from “Defending the Legacy” about the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The beginning of the treaty includes this statement. 

"In the Name of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. So be it."  It goes on to say how "It has pleased the Most High to diffuse the spirit of union and concord among the Princes, whose divisions had spread troubles in the four parts of the world, and to inspire them with the inclination to cause the comforts of peace to succeed to the misfortunes of a long and bloody war.”

7. This has been a great week, everyone in our family is healthy. Thank you Lord.

Read other "Takes" at Conversion Diary.

1 comment:

  1. I firmly believe in befriending people of all ages, whether the ages of our children or our parents. Saying some prayers as I type this for your new coworker friend as he heads to Mayo. God bless your Lent!
